
Travelitor, the ready to use template for Travel Agency


A template to present the activity of travel agency.

The template is composed of the following layout:

  • TravelHome: used for the home page
  • TravelCatalogList: used to list catalogues
  • TravelItemsList: used to present items list of a catalogue
  • TravelPostsList: used to present list of posts
  • TravelDynamicBgImg: used to present informational page with background image.
  • TravelDynamic: used to present informational page
  • TravelItemDoubleSlider: used to present item information with a double silder
  • TravelCataloggerPrez: used to present item information with a single slider
  • TravelBlogPost: used to present post information
  • TravelErrorPage: used to display an error page
  • TravelItemPage: used to present item information
  • TravelItemsOnTheMap: used to present item on a map
  • TravelAddPost: used to add apost
  • TravelAddUpdatePost: used to update a post
  • TravelUploadPhotos: used to upload photo
  • TravelLandingPage: used to present a landing page
  • TravelLandingPageDark: used to present a landing page
  • TravelCatalogPresentation: used to present a catalogue
  • TravelNewsList: used to present list of news
  • TravelNewsPage: used to present content of a news.

Each layout has a design that can be modified by an advanced user.

what do you need to start:

  • A short presentation of your activity
  • A logotype
  • A list of catalogs you want to present
  • A short presentation of each catalog
  • One picture, or more, per catalog
  • Field information for item of each catalog
  • At least one picture per item.
  • Any story you would like to put on your website.

Demonstration website for «Travelitor»:

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